Application Security


Your application security wake-up call

Not yet ready for a formal assessment?

We offer cost-effective one-day workshops where we facilitate a discussion on application security that can help to align your approach to the subject and also provide many useful pointers that often can be used to address actual issues in your applications.

AppSec speedtalk

Bootstrap your organisation's appsec insights  in 90 minutes. We take you through the appsec domains, quiz you on some of your current practices and challenge you to show how you mitigate common attacks. 

Domain overview

The next part of our workshop gives a more detailed appsec domain overview with some selective deep-dives into the way your application handles them (or doesn't :).

To dos

We wrap up the workshop by triaging the issues we've discussed and developing a bulleted list of to dos for you to get working on right away. 

Executive attention

Bring your managers and bosses to the workshop and we'll help you make them understand how important appsec is in their business. Sometimes they just need to hear it from an expensive consultant.   

Very useful workshop!
— Recent mobile banking client